Quilling Art, Craft, or Both…
Someone asked me if the classes I teach were Arts and Crafts or Arts OR Craft.
Good question!
It was a question that made me do a bit of research.
If you know me, I love to get the right answer, but readily admit when I don’t know if my answer is correct. I did some searching and found a site that offered a direct comparison.
I took some time to find a succinct answer that describes the difference between the two. I appreciated this definition: Art is described as an unstructured and open-ended form of work; that expresses emotions, feelings, and vision. Craft denotes a form of work, involving the creation of physical objects, by the use of hands and brain.
In my classes, you learn both art and craft. I will show you the (craft) foundations of quilling; how to make the basic shapes, and if you so choose, to make them uniform and replicable. But the items do not have to be replicable. You are welcome to take what you learn and create a unique image that can’t easily be duplicated (art).