Resource for All Hobby and Crafting Enthusiasts…(including Quillers).
As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I was extremely excited when I started quilling. Immediately I wanted to find all of the resources out there to help me learn how to be a better quiller. Over the next few weeks I will write about resources. The first resource I share, however, will be beneficial for crafters in general. While looking up resources, I found a database dedicated to crafting. According to EBSCO Industry, the company that curates the database, The Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center is a full text database accessible via a custom EBSCO interface designed primarily for use in public libraries. Content in the database includes a collection of core, proprietary articles covering over 140 topics, as well as licensed periodicals, books and video that focus on categories commonly referred to as hobbies and crafts and is available in high-quality PDF format. Features include the ability to search the Hobbies & Crafts interface by category, view all available topics and browse popular resources related to the area of Hobbies & Crafts. Quilling is still gaining in popularity, but I was able to find dozens of tutorials available for download on the site. For hobbies that are more popular such as Beer and Wine Making for example, you get an organized collection of resources that includes links for the various types of information you might want about the topic. If your library does not have this resource, you can talk to your librarian and request they consider purchasing access to it.
Screenshot from The Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center that focuses on Beer and Wine Making